Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Notescribe CEO on No Limits 2 Learning Live

Time to Organize

Do you ever say, "Its' time to get organized" then go out and buy a new file organizer, some tubs, and file boxes and get your life in order? I find that I am able to be more productive when my life is in order and I can find what I am looking for.
Notescribe does that for all those documents on your computer that you save in folders under different topics, and it is very powerful. When I type a new note, copy some text in and add a hyperlink reference, I can assign key words to locate it later with a great built-in search engine. I downloaded the free trial and have been playing with it and will be buying a permanent copy for organizing my notes.

Using Notescribe for Student Support as Assistive Technology
If you are or know of a student that has a learning disorder or disability that could use a computer tool to organize material from class, then this software could be a good support. I think the uses for students with TBI, ADD/ADHD, etc. could be huge. Being able to organize class notes and topics as well as other information can be a valuable help to those with the need to have support in that area.

I will be interviewing Jeff Sholl, CEO and founder of Higher Symmetry Software and developer of Notescribe tomorrow, Wednesday, July 23 at 12 noon Pacific time. I asked the Notescribe folks if their founder would like to share on Blog Talk Radio on my show and they were thrilled. We have set the interview for tomorrow. After hearing all the cool uses for the software that I haven't even thought of yet, I will just need to take the time to start organizing all those files on my computer...
You can access the interview and listen during the live stream at No Limits 2 Learning Live on Blog Talk Radio. The archive will be available after the show on my sidebar player or at the link above. I am also going to start working on transcripts of the files for download for the hearing impaired to be able to follow along with these shows. Sorry it hasn't happened yet, but I will work on it ASAP.
Don't forget also- Assistive Technology Blog Carnival submissions can be sent to me up until Friday, July 25 at lonthornburg@nolimits2learning.com

All the best to you!

Post note 7/23/08: For some reason the Blog Talk Radio Service dropped out for about a minute through the middle of this interview. Their server had been down earlier so it was a tech glitch. If you hang with the interview a minute or less, it comes back- don't give up. I am editing the interview and taking out the dead space so you can listen to the interview without it at my site http://www.nolimits2learning.com/ . Sorry for any inconvenience.

image credit:http://www.smartorganizing.net/

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