Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Have You Found Your Purpose?

I was driving down the mountain this morning to come into town for the "No Limits 2 Learning Live" talk show at noon today. I was thinking about my life and my choices, where I am headed and what my purpose really is in all of it. I received a letter yesterday saying that my presentation proposal for Closing the Gap in Minneapolis for October was accepted, I am training state-wide in Seaside, Oregon in August and I am starting in on a UDL training in-service with a high school in August. I have talk shows in the works for August that includes Dynavox, DAISY, gh Learning and some individuals and parents on aspects of disability and training. I have had verbal invitations to do training in Montana and Edmonton, Alberta in Canada.
I am working on the launch of No Limits 2 Learning website soon - so things are moving forward, but what is my motivation for doing this?
I see cookie cutter programs and resources all the time that try and pump out volume as far as how many folks trained, how many units sold, how many numbers of people attended... as if that equates success. The problem is, what about the quality?
I strive for quality and relevance in what I do, but beyond that, my motivation seems to boil down to a two-fold purpose:
My Purpose
"To provide tools and resources for children with disabilities, so that they become ALL that they can be towards seeing their human potential AND to provide the adults that support them with the best tools and resources available to make it happen."
Whether that comes from me driving 200 miles in one day to a rural community to support one child and a teacher; by teaching a workshop with 15 teachers; or interviewing a guest on No Limits 2 Learning Live that impacts hundreds or maybe even thousands over time, it all adds up to the same purpose for me. I have found it. Have you?
What is wonderful for me is that I have found a way to do something I love. I hope that you have that sense in your life as well. If you are a teacher, parent, volunteer or assistant involved with education, children with disabilities and technology, you are very special. I want you to know that today!
All the best to you!

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