Monday, April 4, 2011

Exoskeleton Interview with Dr. Gene Emmer on No Limits to Learning Live

Blog Talk Radio Show "No Limits to Learning Live" interview with Dr. Gene Emmer is now on archive.

Exoskeleton: Can "Ironman" Help with Physical Disabilities?
You can also listen on the right sidebar Blog Talk Radio player.

We had a fascinating interview on the exoskeleton and where it is headed. Did you know there are 3 types being released to limited regions for institutional use now? Find out about the 4 main exoskeletons that can replace wheelchairs, specific target areas for upper and lower body strength, varieties of motion sensing vs. driving and gait issues.
Dr. Emmer shared his concerns about the future of the exoskeleton. He believes a lot of the availability, affordability and marketing while moving from institutions to the home market will be determined by the public demand through awareness, requesting through hospitals, doctors, therapists and generally putting out the call for need.
You can access his website: exoskeleton-suit and news blog: wheelchairpride.


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