Monday, January 31, 2011

Are Textbook Publishers Bringing iPad Apps and E Textbooks to the Classroom?

an Inkling iPad Textbook

Are iPad textbooks and apps by publishers around the corner? Actually they are already here and being developed. Publishers are discovering that there are new ways to represent and explore concepts and information through the app. Read the recent article link here in the Boston Globe about a pilot study in the State of Virginia, using iPads in a fourth grade classroom for curriculum access rather than textbooks. The article also shares the publishers viewpoint about the future of using the iPad and other tablets coming out as a new format platform for marketing their curriculum.
What are the implications for Accessible Instructional Materials? Incredible!

This article from AppleInsider, although a year ago, taps Scrollmotion as a designer of textbook apps that could incorporate, lecture recording, video, interactive models, etc.
The New York Times article by Nick Bilton, "Replacing a Pile of textbooks with an iPad" says:
"Now there’s an iPad application that could further lighten the load. A new company called Inkling hopes to break the standard textbook model and help textbooks enter the interactive age by letting students share and comment on the texts and interact with fellow students."
Inkling says the iPad is the textbook of the future here.

I am looking forward to what we see develop in the next year or so. It will be amazing.

All the best to you,


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