Friday, September 10, 2010

Dr. Brian Friedlander: Don Johnston Sponsors Free Webinar

A year into ARRA funding, and
only a year left. Now what?
Don Johnston has invited Dr. Brian Friedlander to share stories of districts in New Jersey who have used ARRA funding in creative ways to build their AT programs.
The webinar will also help you answer these questions:
√ What are some of the misconceptions about ARRA funding?
√ How can I advocate for ARRA funding?
√ What has worked for other districts?
√ What kind of implementation plan should I present to my special ed director?
√ Once I have the funding, how can I use it most effectively?

Wed September 22nd
Wed September 29th

12:00 PM CDT
1:00 PM Eastern
10:00 AM Pacific

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