Thursday, February 5, 2009

IDEA Funding Levels Being Challenged in U.S. Senate

This is an action alert from the Council for Exceptional Children:

Opposition Threatens to Derail Historic Funding Increases for IDEA Tell Your Senators How IDEA Funding Will Save Special Education Programs, Jobs!
"This week, the Senate will vote on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, legislation which would provide unprecedented funding increases for IDEA programs for school aged children/youth as well as for infants and toddlers with disabilities. This funding comes at a time when states are struggling to provide programs serving children/youth with disabilities. On January 28 the House of Representatives passed similar legislation.

However, opposition to this legislation has been steadily increasing. And while the measure passed the House, opposition continues to grow:

At a Capitol meeting last Thursday night with Senate Democrats, White House Budget Director Peter Orszag questioned the level of education spending in the House and Senate bills. And by all accounts, the $26 billion provided for Title I and special education programs is close to double the administration’s request. – Politico

We know that this infusion of resources for IDEA will help deflect job layoffs, help ensure program continuation, and free up resources for other critical initiatives.

But we need YOU to explain to your Senators how budget cuts have impacted you, your school or your early intervention program! "

There is an email or printed letter engine that has a prepared text. You can customize it and send it to all U.S. Senators from the bottom of the article.
Let our leaders know we need their continued support for funding IDEA.

Other links on the page:
See how much money the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act would bring to your school district in the areas of Title I, school construction and IDEA Part B.
Click here for background information, including a chart of education funding in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

All the best to you!


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