Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Assistive Technology Gift Idea: Silicone Keyboard

AT Gift Giving Guide: A Roll-up Computer Keyboard
Have you seen those silicone, rubberized, thin keyboards that you can roll up and bounce? When I saw these, I immediately thought of those students we have that are prone to temper issues, being rough with equipment or issues with saliva. All these are good reasons to check out the Duraflex Keyboard or one similar to it. It is durable, thin, lightweight and easy to clean.
The Duraflex is from ErgoKomfort and is $54.95 plus shipping (9.50).
There are other brands for as little $24.95 from Lone Star Keyboards. They have a wide range of prices and styles to check out.
For one student, who could throw a pretty good fit, we suggested that the parents put the monitor behind plexiglass and lock the tower underneath so it is like a monitor in a museum, and then give the student the roll-up keyboard to access the computer. They were wanting any ideas because they had gone through several monitors, but believed the software was helping their son.
The silicone flex keyboard is a holiday gift as low as $24.95 with shipping. By the way, I am not getting any percentages by linking you to these places via my blog. I just want you to know about them. Later this week we will look at some other ergonomic ideas.

Remember, Don Johnston will be with us tomorrow on the live broadcast from No Limits 2 Learning Live, Dec. 3 at 2 PM Pacific. He will be sharing about his book, "Building Wings" and the impact it has had on instructing, learning, and heping children.

All the best to you!


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