Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Closing the Gap Conference: Offer More with AT Services

This post is a personal invitation to come say hello to me at "Closing the Gap" in Minneapolis this week if you are attending. I am presenting a one hour workshop on building free online blog tools that support AT service delivery.
I will be sharing my online tools and some sites that give muti-media, web 2.0 and social networking potential for AT in different areas. We will talk about matching the design of a blog and the widgets you use with the purpose for the tool.
The session will be Friday, the 17th in Edina Sheraton from 12:30 to 1:30. Bring your lunch and join us.
No Limits 2 Learning Website is Live and in Process:
I have posted my handouts and some tutorials on my companion web site No Limits 2 Learning, under the Training section. I have been working to get my website up and get materials on there for free download. I have a resource area that I haven't had time to build yet, but will house all the links to free tools, software downloads, trials, etc. I have started an archive to my Blog Talk Radio Show under "archive" and have a few up. My goal is to get all my shows up there for download and have transcripts available.
I have recently finished a report - Action Steps to Advocacy, based on observations in my work on what makes successful advocacy. This report will be linked for a download from this blog and my website here in the next couple of weeks. The release will coincide with a focus on advocacy and AT interview of me by the Family Center on Technology and Disability Site and a discussion thread I will be co-moderating in November. There will be more info coming as that all gets going next month. Should be fun!

I haven't forgotten about sharing the Promethean Board tool. I will get to that this week as well.
I hope to meet some of you in person this week at Closing the Gap - come say "Hi" if you can.

All the best to you!


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