Monday, October 20, 2008

Ask the Expert: Mp3 Interview with Dr. Joy Zabala on Copyright Issues and IDEA 2004

Dr. Joy Zabala is the pioneer innovator of the SETT process for evaluation and implementation of Assistive Technology. She is also the project manager for the AIM (Accessible Instructional Materials) Consortium for CAST. She shared her expertise on copyright and IDEA with me while at Closing the Gap. When you want advice from an expert she is definitely the "Go-to Gal". (The interview is at the bottom of the post)

We have been bouncing around some opinions on interpretation of copyright here on the blog lately, and I have been sharing methods to get printed text into accessible formats. We have discussed scanning and converting to Mp3, using text to speech readers, Mp3 players, purchased software from Premier Literacy and Kurzweil. We have even explored the new DAISY save MS Word (this past summer). We have had the DAISY Consortium folks jump into the discussion and I have found it all to be educational, informative and challenging to my thinking. There are still gaps in my understanding and I wanted some clarification if at all possible to keep me away from potential legal land mines.

While I was at Closing the Gap in Minneapolis, I sat in on several sessions that addressed RTI, NIMAS, AIM and UDL. In these sessions, there were always questions about how copyright law impacts the implementations mandated under IDEA 2004. Dr. Joy Zabala had some good things to say about it. I asked her if she would sit down with me a few minutes and share some of her thoughts with us. She happily agreed - thank you Dr. Joy!

Even though we are still a long way from having all the lines drawn and grey areas defined about who qualifies in certain instances, who is a "competent professional" to make decisions on who has a legitimate print disability, and what constitutes "fair use for education" in adapting print materials, we do have some experts that can guide us on what we need to consider and how to go about setting legal guidelines at a state level. Dr. Zabala is one of these we can go to for some guidance.

I am proud and honored to present my interview with Dr. Joy on this topic. We intended to go about 10 or 15 minutes, but as we got to discussing the topic, it stretched out a little longer - almost 30 minutes! I think you will find some good advice and information on where we are in the process of implementing access for print disabilities right now.

The interview is linked below, and I have also posted the interview on my new No Limits 2 Learning Website main page and under "Archive" where I will be storing all my audio files for free access anytime.

Interview With Dr. Joy Zabala on Copyright Issues and IDEA 2004 Mp3 - recorded at Closing the Gap Conference, 2008


Dr. Joy Zabala's Web site

AIM Consortium/CAST

I hope you enjoy the interview. All the best to you!



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