Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Quality Indicators for Assitive Technology

The QIAT (Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology) site is a great place to get information and support on assistive technology. The site has downloadable documents, a forum and an important list of quality indicators.
These quality indicators are based on the assumptions below that come from their website:

First, it is essential that ALL AT services developed and delivered by states or districts are legally correct according to the mandates and expectations of federal and state laws and are aligned to district policies.

Second, AT efforts, at all stages, involves on-going collaborative work by teams which include families and caregivers, school personnel, and other needed individuals and service agencies.

Third, team members involved in AT processes are responsible for following the code of ethics for their specific profession.

There are downloadable or printable documents that inform on considerations, assessments, the IEP, implementaion, effectiveness of implementation, etc. Have a look and see what you might be able to print off and weigh against your current services. This can be a great way to assess where you are in your quality of service or, if you are a parent, where to start on what you should look for in services from your school district or region.
When we have great descriptions and documents that have been labored over to develop in order to provide a better model, we should take advantage of them and use them to provide the best services we can.
I would highly recommend taking some time to browse through the site and take advantage of what it has to offer.

Also: Don't forget the interview with AT pioneers, Gayl Bowser and Penny Reed, tomorrow, July 3, 11 a.m. Pacific on No Limits 2 Learning Live on Blog Talk Radio, it will be a great way to hear some fresh and cutting edge thoughts on the implementation of AT in general education as we move into new demands with NCLB by 2 of our nations top trainers and leaders in AT.

All the best to you!

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