Saturday, July 19, 2008

Great Schools has Summer Activities and Inspiration for Special Needs Children

Summer Ideas for Special Needs Parents:
As the summer wears on, maybe as a parent, you are looking for a break or are wishing you had a few more ideas up your sleeve for summer activities and alternatives. If you need some fresh inspiration, check out the summer activities articles from Great Schools by Schwab Learning.

Great Schools, a site for parent success in grades k-12, gives some great ideas for summers activities in their article: "Summer Activities for Kids with Learning Disabilities: Making Wise Choices." The article, by an educational psychologist, gives ideas on choosing what to do with summer's extra time in academic skill building, physical activity or the arts and reading. There is a link in the article to another section on using the arts with your child that is worth the read also.
For more topics on children with learning disabilities and summer, check out the site's Activities Out of School topics.

Have a great weekend...all the best to you!

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