Monday, June 9, 2008

Assistive Technology Blog Carnival Edition 4: Calling for Submissions

Assistive Technology Blog Carnival #4, Issue: "Grab Bag"
Deadline: June 27 for submissions; Will be up June 30.

The next edition of the AT Blog Carnival, our 4th, will be out on June 30. We are calling for submissions by June 27 from those of you who have blogs and would like to submit a post on AT. This issue is a "grab bag" because we want to open this wide for folks to share whatever they have in their post archive or something new they would like to share on assistive technology. As submissions come in, I will group them as well as I can into categories. So, we want to hear what you have to say. What have you been learning about AT lately? What new gadget has you intrigued? What new area do you think is a frontier in research and development for servicing disability? I am excited to see new technology that is linking us together in greater ways everyday. I see huge potential to interface people with disabilities via Internet into work where the mind is the thing, not the body - the playing field is so much more level.
We are a little at a disadvantage because the Blog Carnival Service networks folks and provides a submission engine to blog carnivals and has a way to get the word out through their service base about what blogs are posting when and the topics, etc. We were getting quite a few submissions through that, but because they won't change their Captcha to something that assists disabled bloggers to submit, we are moving away from using them. This means more than ever, we need you to pass the word, submit posts and help us collect submissions from blog authors. Our purpose in this is to see more sharing of ideas and information and networking. I have felt that the editions so far have had great posts, information and have given us another link as a community. So, get your creative juices flowing and send in a post and pass the word on to others. It is a great way to get new visitors to your blog and create a larger audience.

The blog carnival home blog site with Editions 1, 2 and 3 as well as info on hosting it on your blog in the future and submission info is:

Email posts to: Remember the deadline - June 27

Also: Blog Contest Deadline, June 15th! The Drawing is still open for you to share your blog to have a chance to win. Just email me your blog address and your name and you will be put in our drawing for a free title of your choice from Learning Magic. Email your entry to the email address above.

Your email will never be sold, given out or added to someone's spam list - your privacy will always be respected.

All the best to you!

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