Saturday, May 3, 2008

Study Shows Teen Blogging Improves Writing

In the districts I serve, our instructional resources team (which I used to be a part of before my AT shift) has been training and equipping teachers to use online tools to integrate technology into the curriculum. Using blogs as a way to get students writing and publishing has been an important and well-received strategy.
E School News posted an article headed, "Blogging Helps Encourage Teen Writing".
In it, they gave these statistics:
"Forty-seven percent of teen bloggers write outside of school for personal reasons several times a week or more, compared with 33 percent of teens without blogs. Sixty-five percent of teen bloggers believe that writing is essential to later success in life; 53 percent of non-bloggers say the same thing."
The study, who conductued it and comments on it can be found on the link above. One expert, Bradley A. Hammer of A Duke University Writing program said, "In real ways, blogging and other forms of virtual debate actually foster the very types of intellectual exchange, analysis, and argumentative writing that universities value."

I have a goal to implement blogs as an assistive technology application and support for students.
A.) This tool can support students that cannot write with their hands due to orthopedic and fine motor issues. Using an on-screen keyboard and mouse, or auto scanning and switch access, they can access their blog, password protected, at home and at school for note taking and research report writing. Having a social bookmarking account on Digg, Spurl or one of these types of sites, gives them a place to bookmark sites with topics of interest under various categories for research and recreation. Google's home page and notebook are also great tools for this.

B.)Blogs can support students that have a print disability where they need to hear what they write but don't have funds to purchase expensive software for text to speech and writing support. Using a free text reader in conjunction with a blog, or a widget that turns blog posts into audio posts complete with Mp3 conversion downloads (like Odiogo which is the one I use), students can create a no-cost audible writing support.

C.) The blog can provide needed motivation and collaboration through writing, adding images, and allowing peers to comment. This makes writing come alive in a social platform. Struggling learners that need remedial support should be given an opportunity to learn the required skills in a rewarding and engaging way - not isolated with drill and practice worksheets "because they can't handle anything else."

Teacher motivation, available technology in a classroom and paranoia on the part of district IT departments and administrators can be challenges,but we need to think outside the box. Blogging and social bookmarking are incredible resources. They are where we are headed. Having a study support the use of blogging for increased academic skills gives us one more reason to add it to our teachers toolbox.

All the best to you!



  1. Writing improves writing. Studies have shown that blogging improves writing, that teens who text the most write the best, and on and on. The false divide schools make between "real writing" and "writing" just continues to make school look irrelevant.

  2. Lon,

    I'm glad I've stumbled across your blog! The blog article above was very interesting, and very logical. I never even thought about the concept of blogging being something that would drive students to write, but it makes total sense. As stated directly above, "writing improves writing". The building of community amongst students blogging is important as well. Adding commentary and critique to their peers will help them grow.

    As you stated in the last paragraph, I too hope that IT departments and teachers continue to open their eyes and ears to what is out there. It will only help students in adapting to the ever-evolving world of technology.
    Great study, and great commentary!


  3. Thanks Notescribe,
    I am learning as much from the comments on my posts as I do researching the posts themselves. I am glad what was written today helped in some way.
