Friday, May 9, 2008

New Blog Talk Radio Guest & May AT Blog Carnival Theme Announced

Second Chance to Live on Blog Talk Radio Today!
What happens when you are told that your ten year old son, who just suffered a traumatic brain injury, will probably be lucky to graduate from high school? Do you tell him he won't go very far academically? Do you go into denial? Do you keep it from him and let him achieve on is own terms?
No Limits to Learning Live will host Craig Phillips, the ten year-old boy, who went on to earn his Masters in counseling and vocational rehabilitation. The segment will be live this morning, May 9, at 10:30 am Pacific time at .

Craig taught himself to walk, talk and read again. He has the blog "Second Chance to Live", where he shares his philosophy on dealing with an "invisible injury" and how to combat it with positive principles. Craig has been published in many international publications. His unique perspective as a counselor and a TBI survivor makes him a great follow-up to the interview last week with Patricia Sublette Ph D, who shared on TBI treatment, awareness education and assistive technology.
Join us for a call-in, listen-in, or listen to the archive later on the player on my sidebar. The profile link on the player will take you to the No Limits to Learning Live Blog Talk Radio page as well.

The AT Blog Carnival Theme for May is "Synthesized Speech".
We are now taking post submissions from blog authors on the topic "Synthesized Speech". Send in your permalink of a post off your blog that you have already written or one you write especially for this edition. Share a story about using synthesized speech, a site or software review, your list of uses for it, humor, gripes and complaints, etc. Let us hear what you have to say about it! If you know someone that has a blog that could contribute, pass this along to them. Because I am not officially using the Blog Carnival service to invite and receive posts, your help in networking the topic, link and getting it to bloggers is crucial. Help us spread the word and build a great network of shared knowledge.
Also, if you have an idea you would like to see for a future topic, email it or post a comment telling us. Your ideas will help!
Send the permalink of the post you want to submit to me at by Friday, May 23. The edition will go live on Monday, May 26.
The Assistive Technology Blog Carnival can be found at
where you can read past issues and read about this months theme.
I hope we hear from you!

All the best to you and have a great weekend...

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