Sunday, April 20, 2008

Final Week to Submit to AT Blog Carnival and Other News...

The Assistive Technology Blog Carnival for April will be released soon so this week is the last chance to get in on it. The deadline for submissions is this Friday night, April 25th. I will put it together and have it up next Monday, April 28th. I have enjoyed reading through posts that have been sent and am in the process of replying to folks and getting the blog ready.
If you have a post that you have written on AT and would like it included, please check out the carnival blog site at: I have been happy with the response even though it has just started. We had a problem with the website of the people who originally conceived the idea and host the listings of all the blog carnivals and act as a go-between to send the host submitted posts. They have, as you have probably read on my sidebar, not done anything about the requests to use Recaptcha or something like it that will allow the blind to submit. I haven't heard anything from them as of yet and I sent them an email a week ago. We are just leaving them out of the loop and doing our own blog post sharing from the Blogger Assistive Technology Blog Carnival Blog I set up. You can find all the information and details there ( at the link above). I am disappointed that we have not heard something from them. I told them that I would love to be able to write to everyone that they had corrected the issue, but I'm not sure where they sit with it all. They probably just think that we are hecklers that are emailing them . Too bad.
Well, I hope you have a great week. I am back from some walks on the beach and time with family. I got my engines re-charged and I'm ready to tackle some fun projects this week. One is to set up a time to do a No Limits to Learning Live Blog Talk Radio Interview on Traumatic Brain Injury with Patricia Sublette Ph.D. I will let you know when this will occur. I am shooting for this Thursday morning - we'll see. If you didn't listen, there is a great interview with Richard Ellenson from The Tango! Company, Blink Twice. you can listen on my side bar.
I am working on a day workshop class on setting up a blog from scratch with the widgets that will help you keep track of readers, learn some basic multi media techniques and ways to use blogs to enhance how you serve. This blog has been a wonderful resource for me in many ways. I will share some of my ideas with you as I put them together.
I have been working with a boy who has CVI (here is a link on it from APH) and have developed some PowerPoint Activities with large letters on contrast for him to see, as well as some large tracking movement and sound he enjoys. The vision specialist and I have also been using a set of pre-braille touch overlays with textures and shapes from American Printing House for him to use. The software works with Intellikeys and Classroom Suite. I would like to do some variations on those and get some more video tutorials posted. So much I want to do and I just have to take it a little at a time.
I have to say that I appreciate the comments that are made. They add so much and I learn from them so don't be shy - let's hear some more of you give us your contributions.
Check in and watch for more to come. It's fun to discover new things to share with you. I am planning ahead and laying out some great things for May and beyond.
All the best to you!

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