Sunday, February 10, 2008

Oregon State-Wide Assistive Technology Gathering, Start of a Busy Week.

I am in Portland at the Oregon state-wide assistive technology meeting, February 11th and 12th. Monday, we will be presenting updates on our different regions and services. There will be a presentation on NIMAS the new standard in digital text and we will also look at the OTAP (Oregon Technology Access Program) website. It is on my sidebar under important links.

There will be a day workshop on Tuesday with Kelly Fonner, link here, presenting on assistive technology in the curriculum. I will give you highlights of her workshop Wednesday, so check back for that.

I will be posting some of the highlights as far as ideas and news from the meeting that I think might be helpful to you. I have a stock-pile of great other topics and information to post over the next couple of weeks that has been coming in and I will get to it all eventually. I am having to start keeping a log of notes and lists so I don't forget things!

Career Showcase to Present Assistive Technology as Career Option:
On Wednesday I have a table at a career showcase for teens from schools to explore different career options. I am thinking that it might be a great place to do a podcast - interview some teens on what their definition of assistive technology is - what do you think? I have some fun things to set up and let them explore for that day. I will fill you in on that day the end of the week. I have to get the podcast thing going. I have a long list of podcast projects to get recorded and archive so I can start posting.

Assistive Technology Wiki is coming.
I have started working on the categories for an assistive technology wiki for parents and specialists to post product reviews and tips. It is going to take me awhile to get it set up and ready, but it should be available by the end of the month if I can get it set up so it is easy for folks to use. I want it to be collaborative, allowing entries on products, like on Amazon, where people can tell about the product and rate it. I think it would be very valuable to the consumer and give people more information on what products are out there.
There are lots of great things happening behind the scenes right now that are going to be exciting to see take shape over the next few months so keep checking in!

All the best to you!

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